Paradise Springs Dec 17, 2011

Today I visited Paradise Springs. I arrive at 7:55 to find the gate open. I drive up to the house to check in. I am asked “Do you have a dive buddy?” I answer ‘No.’ I am now told no solo diving in Paradise Springs. Bong! After a 2.5 hour drive, I can’t be the first in the water to take pictures, before it gets all silted up. So what do I do? I wait for other divers to arrive and while waiting, I get suited up in the dry suit, finish setting up the camera and chat with the owner. Then, at last, a vehicle with two divers drive up. I jump in my truck and head down at the site before the owner could blink.
It takes me about 15 minutes to get fully suited up and while finishing, the vehicle of divers arrive. We chat for a few …

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